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可靠的配资炒股网站 刊·见 | 探索应用心理学的无限可能Australian Journal of Psychology

发布日期:2024-07-27 11:23    点击次数:52

在当今快速变化的世界中,心理学作为一门研究人类行为、情感和思维的学科,其重要性日益凸显。应用心理学是将心理学理论和方法应用于解决现实生活中的问题,其范围涵盖了个人、社区、组织和社会各个层面。通过将研究成果转化为实际应用,应用心理学不仅能够提高人们的生活质量,还能促进社会的发展和进步。 在现代社会,应用心理学在多个领域发挥着关键作用。例如,在教育领域,心理学的研究可以帮助教师更好地理解学生的需求,设计更有效的教学方法。在职场,应用心理学可以帮助企业提高员工满意度和生产力,促进健康的工作环境。在公

  • 可靠的配资炒股网站 刊·见 | 探索应用心理学的无限可能Australian Journal of Psychology



    本期刊·见,为诸位介绍心理学期刊Australian Journal of Psychology。除了对期刊详尽的介绍外,还向您荐读刊内中国作者高阅读量文章:

    群体间社会比较对自我和群体风险决策的影响 日常滥用监督对次日员工幸福感的影响:溢出效应视角 视觉和运动空间大小对注视目标选择的影响

    Australian Journal of Psychology作为澳大利亚心理学会的官方旗舰刊物,主要服务于心理学科学研究群体。通过发表高质量的实证研究和理论探讨,为心理学研究者、实践者和学生们提供了一个交流思想的平台。本期刊是一份经过国际同行评审的学术期刊,涵盖了心理学科学中从理论到应用的广泛主题,包括但不限于:认知过程、感知与意识研究、发展心理学探讨、动机与情绪理解、社会与人格心理学分析、工业与组织心理学实践、研究方法论创新、健康心理学问题、心理学教育理念以及跨专业领域的热点话题。


    期刊已被SSCI,SCOPUS, EBSCO, APAIS, OCLC, ProQuest数据库收录。


    根据JCR显示, Australian Journal of Psychology在



    根据Scopus显示, Australian Journal of Psychology的









    Australian Journal of Psychology的主编由澳大利亚昆士兰大学Justin Kenardy担任。此外,由各国研究者组成了副主编团队和编委团队。其中,来自中国的是副主编Helene Fung(香港中文大学)。


    Justin Kenardy

    Justin Kenardy是昆士兰大学的名誉教授。他还是临床和健康心理学、心理保健和健康服务提供领域循证实践的积极传播者。他的工作注重成果,并与医疗用户、医疗服务提供者和行业进行合作。他因跨学科研究创伤和伤害的心理影响而闻名。


    Helene Fung

    Helene Fung教授在香港中文大学就职。她的研究方向包括情感、社交关系以及与年龄和老化有关的认知。


    近三年,在Australian Journal of Psychology发文数量排名前三位的国家是:

    澳大利亚 美国 中国

    根据JCR显示,近三年在Australian Journal of Psychology全球高校和科研机构中,发文量活跃的是:

    澳大利亚墨尔本大学 澳大利亚莫纳什大学 澳大利亚科廷大学



    作者:山东师范大学 Lingchao Sun et al.


    Objective: The current study aims to explore the influence of social comparison on risk decision-making for self and for groups in intergroup contexts.

    Method: Two experiments with the within-subjects design of 2 (social comparison: upward comparison, downward comparison) × 3 (decision-maker role: for “me”, for “us”, for “them”) were conducted in this study. Experiment 1 focused on the ingroup contexts, and experiment 2 focused on the outgroup contexts.

    Results: (1) in outgroup contexts, individuals are more risk-seeking in upward comparison conditions than in downward comparison conditions. However, the difference disappears in ingroup contexts. (2) Making decisions for “them” is riskier than making decisions for “me” and for “us” with no significant differences between the latter two and consistent across intergroup contexts. (3) The difference in risk decisions made amid upward and downward comparisons is amplified for decisions made for groups.

    Conclusion: The findings may support the selective accessibility model and provide an interpretation with responsibility alleviation for self-group differences in risk decision-making.


    作者:华东师范大学 Yao Zhu et al.


    Objective: Most previous studies on abusive supervision (AS) and employee wellbeing have used cross-sectional designs and explored long-term effects. However, AS has been reported to vary on a daily basis and this variance exceeds inter-person variance. Therefore, the current study examined the short-term (within 1 day) effects of leaders’ daily AS on employee sleep and wellbeing. Based on the spillover effect theory, we posited that daily AS is a negative experience that can lead to insomnia, thereby affecting next-day wellbeing. In addition, we hypothesized that these effects could be moderated by individuals’ tendencies to engage in rumination (low or high).

    Method: A daily diary design was used to examine the relationship between daily AS and next-day wellbeing. Our analysis of data from 128 full-time employees across 10 consecutive working days using multi-level model.

    Results: Our results showed that insomnia mediated the relationship between daily AS and next-day employee wellbeing, and further showed that this relationship was moderated by rumination.

    Conclusions: These data demonstrate a spillover effect from AS at work to quality of sleep at home, and that use of rumination as a coping strategy can exacerbate the effects of AS on insomnia and next-day employee wellbeing.


    作者:浙江理工大学 Qi-Jun Wang et al.


    Objective: Previous studies have demonstrated that making a target larger is sufficient to compensate for the inaccuracy of gaze-based target selection. However, few studies systemically examined the individual contribution of the target’s motor and visual space size in gaze selection. We investigated how the motor and visual space size affect gaze-based target selection.

    Method: Experiment 1 was used to examine the effect of the invisible expanded motor space in a 2D target selection task under hand-based and gaze-based control modes. Experiment 2 was used to examine the impact of the invisible expanded motor space on gaze-based target selection performance with different visual-space sizes.

    Results: As the motor-space size increased, participants selected targets more efficiently and experienced less frustration and temporal demand; these effects were more pronounced in the gaze-based control mode. The selection was faster in the group with a larger visual-space size. Moreover, there were significant interactions between visual-space size and motor-space size on the throughput of gaze-based selection, which refers to the efficiency of input method that containing the accuracy and speed. These interactions also significantly affected endpoint distance variation and effort demand.

    Conclusions: The motor-space size, even invisible, is the determining factor in facilitating the gaze selection performance. Additionally, the size of the visual space has a feedforward effect on selection speed and modulates the effect of motor space. These findings provide insights into the contribution of these two spaces and a new perspective to optimize the gaze-based interface.



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